Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

Thanksgiving!!!  A (basically) All-American Holiday!
U - S - A !!  U - S - A !!  U - S - A !!

As an architecture professional, I submit this card I made:

Happy ArchiTurkey Day!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

....on to the next one

I religiously espouse the clever/funny play on words.

One could say...I pun-tificate.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Arnold Promised...I delivered!!

...though long after he (and/or the franchise) delivered.

What do you call a hilarious moment of irony?
A ROFL Iron!!!

You're welcome.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Continental Asians Who Hate Disney

In a pre-emptive action to keep a Middle Eastern-styled 'Jasmine Revolution' from taking hold in their country's enormous (quantitatively speaking) young populace, the overbearing censorship-happy authoritarian Chinese government is banning jasmine-related things.  They've already banned access to a video clip of their own President singing a Jasmine-themed (no relation to the Revolution) song.  Reports suggest that actual Jasmine Flowers are soon to be banned, with extreme members of the government suggesting a ban on production of the ubiquitous Jasmine Rice, and some even going so far as to call for a halt to Jasmine Tea production (lest their impressionable youths get drunk on the subtle flavor of the flowery flames of populist revolution).  I've even read that they have recalled and stopped the sale of all forms of Disney's Alladin, citing ther a stream of subtext throughout the film encouraging their kids to rise against the establishment and fight against all odds for the Jasmine [Revolution].

Folks, in this era of cloned sheep, genetically modified vegetables, Justin Beiber's hairdo, and other crimes against nature, this beast was bound to rear its head given time.  Finally, the world has birthed Asians who will not be flicking V-signs wearing Mickey Mouse shirts as they go through customs at LAX (a-la that scene from the adequate Tom Hanks movie  'The Terminal').

Perhaps the Chinese government should have been tipped off to the film's true message when the Mandarin-Language DVD release was postponed after Disney recalled this original cover.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Same Bat-Place, New Bat-Face

Welcome to 2011 and welcome to the new Pa(ren)thetic Life blog!!

For those of you who understood the reference of this post's title, I apologize the deliberate cheeky-ness.  For those who did not, learn some culture!  I may be four months or so early but my blog has been resurrected!  It has a new name (because my lovely beau insisted there was simply not enough HaHa to justify the blog's previous name) and corresponding title image, but the web address is still the same.  The direction of content will remain the same (since I was and still am the sole contributor) and hopefully touch on more varied subjects.  Though, it's been nearly a year since my last post so I'm just going to pick up where I left off. 

Seeing as its the tail end of the usual end-of-the-year Holiday Season, its time for my annual e-card via Photoshop:

This year, in addition to resolving to eat better and exercise more frequently (those resolutions could only be more untimely if made while eating pumpkin pie at the end of Thanksgiving Dinner), I also intend to post to my blog more regularly.

Happy 2011!!!  I'll be back here again soon.