Saturday, October 17, 2009

Setting the Table - Rule 1: No Sporks

Hello Everyone!  Welcome to my blog ‘Bringing the HaHa.’

There’s been a number of moments in my recent past where I thought to myself, and even verbalized to a few people ‘I should really start a blog.’  Usually this occurred after a particularly quirky and/or entertaining dialog, or after an especially impassioned diatribe about/against something (sometimes to someone who didn’t care quite as much as I did but still found my rant enjoyable because sometimes I say things that are funny, though in context), or as I sat alone in my apartment and read/saw/heard something that almost knocked me out of my chair.

People say, the first date will determine the tone for the rest of the relationship, or your first day at work sets the tone for the rest of your career in that office environment, but I don’t buy that.  My first post will not set the tone for the rest of my blog.  To me, its more to metaphorically set the table (thus the title of the post).  As long as its not terrible, I think it will be a successful first post.

I’m 25 a year old resident of the District of Columbia.  I live alone in a none-bedroom studio apartment in view of the Capitol dome.  I’m currently a laid off architect who spends the bulk of his day searching for jobs, gardening, watching C-SPAN, listening to NPR, reading various papers, books, and blogs, exercising, and cooking.  Its an interesting existence that allows surprising happiness.

When I’m not in my apartment, I’m usually out exercising.  Therefore, most of my days are spent in pajama pants, comfy shorts, and t-shirts.  So whenever I go somewhere socially or on errands I get excited and overdress.  I mean, I wear khakis and a sports coat to the grocery store (but I shop in the middle of the day on weekdays because there’s not so much of a crowd).  I feel like the character Marshall in the TV show How I Met Your Mother (awesome show, watch it) when he takes a not ideal job because he wanted “a reason to put pants on in the morning.”  Good times. 

Welcome to the blog.  Let me leave you with belated Holiday wishes in the form of a video (sorry about the ad that is part of the video link - I can speak neither for nor against it).

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